Wednesday, August 21, 2013

That Scary Word

Seems like everyone is having...SEX. yup. I said it. And yup, it's happening. Now I know this is a common thing that people say in high school but that's nothing compared to your early to mid 20s. No body is really having sex in high school. But now it seems like for real everyone is. And everyone is ok with it. 
However, I'm not. And I don't want to have sex. And I feel really alone in that...

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I really hate that most thoughts I have about God end with me being drenched in guilt. 

Why is it so important to associate God with guilt?

Did God die on the cross just to hold it over our heads forever? "Hey you should love Me. Look what I did for you?" Or did He die because he knew it was the only thing that could save us. He did it with no thought of what He would get in return.