So I wrote this exactly two years ago and while on my MySpace (I know I'm such a dork) I ran across it and thought that it was pretty decent subject matter so I thought I would share it with the masses. Not that my writing is anything special just find the subject super and I see that it fits perfect into my life two years later.
Cassie Bernall was a 17 year old girl who attended Columbine High School. On April 20, 1999 she went to school and walked into the library just like a normal day. She did not know walking in that she would soon become one of the biggest Christian teen heroes of our time. While she was sitting in the library two of her classmates came it with guns, looking to destroy anyone that crossed their paths.
"Do you believe in God?" Cassie answered without hesitation; "Yes." With that small word her life was put to a sudden end.
See what Cassie done that day took so much courage. I can say I hope I would be able to do the same thing, but I have to admit I do believe I might have hesitated. Would you?
Since this day some people say that they would have said "Yes" without a ounce of hesitation. If you are one of these people I applaud you. If you are that strong, I admire you. But ask yourself this; Why is it easy to die for Christ than to live for Him? Most of you people that say you would die for Jesus, do you really live for him?
"Serving means learning to find your life by giving it away." Those are words from the author of "Being a Girl Who Serves" Shannon Kubiak Primicerio." But see by this she didn't mean that it will always have to be a martyr's death like Cassie's. It sometimes only means to care for someone more than yourself.
Living for God, means serving others, and as all geniune servants know at some point or another, serving God and serving others will cost you in some way.
This brings me to my main point, why is it so hard for us to live for God and to serve others. Hmmm...I honestly think that it is our selfish pride. Note I said our, I'm writing this for me. Pride is just another word for devil, just spelled differently. Both 5 letters and both keep us from doing God's will. How many times has pride kept you from talking to someone out of your social circle? How many times has it kept you from inviting someone to church or telling them about Christ? How many times has it kept you from being who you really are in front of your so called "friends?" Hmmm...do any of these questions hit home?
Maybe I'm wrong and no one reading this let's pride/ the devil keep them from reaching out to others, but then again I did say this for me no one else. I'm just hoping that it does help someone out there. I hope it helps someone realize how silly our pride is, and how we should really put it aside and start serving, start loving, and start living for God. You know your pride as a Christian may be the one thing standing between you and witnessing to a lost friend. Do you really want that to be the deciding factor in where that friend lives for eternity? No? Well then don't let it!
Cassie Bernall will always be a hero for dying for Christ, but who else out there will be a hero for living for Him? Thank you all for reading this. I hope it helps just one other person, because writing it sure has helped me.
God bless...you know He is waiting on you to start living now?
Thanks for the reminder. I'm the most prideful person I know.