Princess CuppyCake and the Beautiful Jeweled Gown
Once upon a time there lived a princess named Princess CuppyCake. This princess grew up in a very small village. Nothing spectacular ever happened in this place, just everyone’s day-to-day norm. One day CuppyCake was tired of the doldrums and decided that she would finally wear the gown that she had been working on for years. This gown was truly extraordinary. It had ever color jewel found in the rainbow. As Princess CuppyCake entered the town people stopped and awed as they saw the gown glitter on by.
No one ever really knew much about Princess CuppyCake. They just liked to stare at her gown. CuppyCake had lots of “friends” because everyone wanted to be close to the gown. One day a boy finally spoke to Princess CuppyCake, she had never had a boy actually talk to her; well actually, no one ever really talked to her besides to comment on her dress. This boy actually talked to her though, he never even mentioned her dress. She didn’t really know how to take all of this in. She truly enjoyed laughing, conversing, and knowing someone actually cared about her, not her dress. She had never experienced this kind of happiness before. Time went by and they became best friends. Princess CuppyCake knew more about this boy than she even knew about herself. Until one day when the boy started to take the princess’s jewels. One by one he took them and then after he had enough he left.
Sadly though, where he took the jewels you could see that CuppyCake’s beautiful gown wasn’t a gown at all. Princess CuppyCake had just sown on these lovely jewels over just some rags. See Princess CuppyCake wasn’t a princess at all. Princess CuppyCake was nothing more than a peasant girl. She had collected the jewels as they fell off other things and as time went by she started sowing them onto her dress made out of filthy sack cloth so that maybe she could make everyone else believe she was more than a peasant girl. Her trick had gone on for years without a hitch, except now the rags were starting to show through.
At first the missing jewels weren’t too noticeable. She still had plenty of other jewel to cover the spots that where bare. It did make Princess CuppyCake feel like she was now missing something. Not only did she loose some of her favorite jewels, she had lost the person that she thought knew her best. Now others started to see the holes bit by bit, and in their minds they wanted to have some jewels to themselves. So certain people would try to take CuppyCake’s jewels one by one. CuppyCake began to feel very scared that everyone would start to see her rags so she started to paste on fake jewels to fill in the holes. She knew she could no longer stay in the small village, so late one night she fled for the kingdom far, far away.
When she arrived Princess CuppyCake didn’t stand out like she use to but no one knew about her rags here. So as people started to notice her and her jewels a prince came along. He was tall, dark, handsome and charming. The prince saw her for her beauty and then began to love her for her heart. CuppyCake loved the prince’s company very much but she would also remember back to the boy from the village that she had trusted before and then he betrayed her. So as much as she enjoyed the prince she wasn’t able to let down her defensive barricades around her, her dress, and her heart.
Time went one and the prince consistently pursued the princess and showed her what true love should be. However, she was still scarred. She started to let him get close to her but kept her distance so that he couldn’t see the rags underneath. Then one day she ran away. No one knew where she went. Princess CuppyCake had ran into streets of the kingdom with a heavy jacket over her gown so that no one would look at her, but the one person could see the jewels from under the coat and stopped her. This stranger had a quick wit and charm, which made the nervous princess be put as ease, but right as she started to sit with the stranger he grabbed a handful of jewels and fleeted to give them to his love.
The princess was heart broken once again because one, she didn’t have anymore fake jewels to fill in the holes and her rags were gleaming through. She came back to the prince and he didn’t think he could trust her since she had just vanished without explanation. He also started to see her rags through her dress and figured she was trying to hide something. He never felt the same way about her again.
Shortly after this, he started taking her jewels. At first it was one by one, then hand full’s by hand full’s. He knew she was hiding something and wanted to find out what it was. One day when the princess decided that she loved the prince and wanted to spend every last moment with him, the princess took off every last jewel that CuppyCake had left. Then there she laid a peasant girl through and through. There she lay with everything she thought was special about her gone. Then the prince saw her exactly for what she was, a pile of filthy rags. He asked himself, “How could I ever love a fake princess, a pile of rags?” And that’s how he left her, broken on the floor. Her heart was still attached to the prince and her dress that was no more. She no longer had something that she was able to hide behind. She felt as if she had nothing that made her special. Princess CuppyCake finally came to terms with the peasant she truly was and now everyone could see that. The secret she tried so hard to hide for years finally became common knowledge to everyone in the village and in the kingdom: She was a fake.
As Princess CuppyCake tried to pick up the pieces of what she knew she had left, she decided to try to make the rags that she had as beautiful as she could. She patched the hole and cleaned the spots, but every time she tried to reach out to others all the people could see was that she was a peasant who had lied about who she was. The wonderful princess that they once thought they knew was no more, she was a lie. She tried so hard to still be that wonderful person that everyone thought she was, but no one would give her a chance. Especially the prince, he couldn’t even bear to look at her. He had already found another princess, a real princess, that was more beautiful, had more wit and was much more intelligent than Princess CuppyCake could ever try to be. All of the other people in the kingdom agreed that this new princess was much better than CuppyCake.
Sad, beaten down and broken CuppyCake left the village and the kingdom. She set out on a journey that she had tried to start so many times before. CuppyCake was on a search to find someone who could love her, rags and all, but even more CuppyCake was trying to learn to love herself without the beautiful jewel gown.
I love this GA. It is an amazing... analogy? metaphor? You know what I mean. Thank you for writing it.