Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello Men Out There...This is for YOU!!

So this is a rant.

Please let me repeat...THIS IS A RANT. A rant against every boy/man/creep that has ever done me wrong or at least said something stupid. Ladies I hope you find empowerment by this and fellas I hope you learn from these big dummies mistakes and not to do the same to a sad love sick puppy like my self.

Now I will not mention names for I am too classy for that but the details I reveal will of course allow the guilty party know that they are them. (If of course they ever bother to read this...but I won't hold my breath.)

Ok apparently I have dated a lot of SPIRITUAL GODLY GOD GIVEN MEN. Becuase I have heard every excuse that God possibly could be blamed for.


"Georgia...I'm just not spiritually ready for this relationship."

- Oh really because you must have been spiritually set when you thought we could just make out at that Drive In the night before I left, or when you talked about the names of our children. a FRIGGIN' WEEK can change things. If your going to say you're not "SPIRITUALLY READY" maybe you should think about that before you try to make out with me every chance you got ok? Thanks. Hope all is well in Texas. Hope you have some beautiful blonde BARBIE that you're being SPIRITUAL with.

"Georgia you have a big heart for people. You make me want to be a better person."
(3 months later) "Georgia you are selfish, prideful and not spiritually edifying"

- Dear preacher man, this statement has CONTROLLED my life for the past year and a half. I believed that crap you told me for the longest. I wanted to commit suicide and I started counseling. The counseling helped but the damage was deep because you knew every inch of me...literally. (NO READERS WE DID NOT HAVE SEX...because I wouldn't let it) Oh preacher man you wanna disagree...well how about those nights that I was crying to you saying I didn't want to make out anymore because I was afraid it would go to far but no you pushed and pushed the boundaries. Now don't get me wrong I've forgiven you and put a nail in that coffin but for the sake of this beautiful blog your example was necessary. Oh and just because you delete me from Facebook and pretend I don't exist doesn't mean I'm not here. I wanna thank you for those words that almost destroyed me because they made me come back stronger and better than ever. The Lord used what you meant for evil and made something beautiful from it.

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